Cave Alien, a collaboration by Chris Armstrong and David DeFelice, is dedicated to crafting captivating artworks. Their unique approach fuses the earliest human expression, drawing, with modern image-making tools, creating a style that seamlessly spans ancient and futuristic aesthetics. Their artistic themes encompass the metaphysical nature of reality and the concept of interdimensional existence.
Central to Cave Alien's work is the exploration of transcending the boundaries between the spiritual and physical dimensions, capturing the essence of a conscious being experiencing a myriad of dimensions colliding and coexisting. Drawing inspiration from futurism, cubism, and surrealism, their art offers a fresh perspective on the human experience, presenting a visual representation of metaphysical concepts.
David DeFelice has a Master's degree in Fine Arts, and has showcased his work in multiple San Francisco galleries. Chris Armstrong holds a Bachelors in Studio Arts specializing in photography and animation, and works as a Creative Director for live show visuals, title sequences, commercials, and more. Their collaboration synthesizes a wealth of creative knowledge into an expressive and purposeful body of work.